What is it?
Hi, my name is lor and welcome to loryu. This is my online space to publish nerdy stuff about rope, document my journey in and with rope and have some fun along the way. Since a lot of people asked me again and again to show them my way of tying I decided to create this little work in progress as an ever growing documentation of my journey with my partners through rope. It is a hotchpotch of fundamentals, patterns and methods I developed over the years and deemed worthy sharing. This collection can never be finished and is an everlasting work in progress. If you find something interesting feel free to give it a try, have fun with it and put your own experience into further development.

What it is not.
This is by no means a complete study guide with courses. If you are seeking a guide for your first steps or coherent style from single column tie to transition, this will not satisfy the requirements. I can highly recommend shibari study for that. The techniques are not peer reviewed or spun by grey bearded virgins in moonlight, sorry. There is some inspiration and a few tools for the ride, but the journey is still yours. Craft your own experiences and cherish them.

Who is it for?
The patterns, methods and foundation are aimed at people already in a lasting rope relationship. The techniques are not for beginners and require solid communication and rope skills. If you are a scene veteran, well versed with different forms of play and like to see something new to have fun with be my guest. Keep you emergency tools at hand, be open with your intention and take your time to look around. Feel free to mix and match whatever you like. I am not your instructor telling you what to do. You are old enough.

Who is lor?
It is me, lor. First name is Lorenz but since elementary school everybody called me lor because back then I only had tree characters for the Tetris high score. I am a rather nerdy dude from Germany who loves rope, technology as well as new experiences and skills. I started rope in 2004 and have since never really stopped. You can find me at the local scene around Nuremberg and recognize me by the logo and pink gear. Most of the hosts know me quite well so if you really want to have a chat feel free to ask them or drop me a message.